Hat tip to Dish on Guido Fawkes
The Unsettling Comparison of the Common Purpose
British Police Force (State Service) with that of
Communist East Germany’s Stasi
N.B: These many comparisons are underlined at each point for
readers to then consider.
At the time of political division within Germany the Communist
East (German Democratic Republic) had a police force of
almost paramilitary purpose. They were called the Stasi. The
Stasi were a secret police who monitored politically incorrect
behaviour amongst all citizens (1) of East Germany,
sometimes venturing into West Germany. They were highly
regarded as one of the most effective intelligence agencies in
the world. Their motto was "Schild und Schwert der Partei"
(Shield and Sword of the Party (2)). It was modelled on the
Soviet MGB.
During the 1989 peaceful revolution, offices of the Stasi were
overrun by enraged citizens. The Stasi promptly burnt a lot of
their files, but those that still remain show that the people who
reported their fellow citizens to the Stasi were more often the
victims’ friends, colleagues, husbands, wives and other family
members. (3) This social division and mutual treachery (4) is
one that, throughout their ‘Thought Police’ tactics of silencing
opposition to them, our very own government aspires to.
Unarguably, this is the ultimate goal of our own state.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall it was revealed that the Stasi
had aided Left-wing terrorists (5) such as Baader-Meinhof
(Red Army Faction). The consequent dissolution of the state of
East Germany spelt and end to the Stasi and subsequently an
end to support of these groups, which obviously led to their
The Stasi’s influence over almost every aspect of life (6) in the
German Democratic Republic cannot be overestimated. Until
the mid-1980s, a civilian network of informants grew within
East and West Germany. These were called Inoffizielle
Mitarbeiter (IMs), or unofficial collaborator. When East
Germany finally collapsed in 1989, it is estimated that the
Stasi had 91,000 full time employees and 300,000 informants.
This means approximately one in fifty East Germans
collaborated with the Stasi, one of the highest penetrations of
any society by an organisation.
1) As we all know politically incorrect behaviour such as
displaying a cuddy toy in a shop window will result in
prosecution because the state police (Stasi) consider it a ’hate
crime’ and thus takes priority over rapes and murders.
Children as young as 10 calling other children names in the
playground WILL be arrested if they mention another child’s
obvious racial features or supposed sexual persuasion. This
happened to a young boy at a primary school in Irlam, Salford
after he got involved in an argument, as kids do, with a pupil
of ‘mixed-race’ appearance. The police arrested the minor and
the Clown Prosecution Service decided to press charges.
2) The police have, since the neo-Communist Labour Party
seized power with a mandate of only 21 per cent of the
electorate, become more and more politicised to the extent of
being under the due care and Red despotic jackboot of the
Dear Leadership. Once the republicans have got their way, and
the Crown on police uniforms is replaced with something
approximating the hammer and sickle, then the police will
proudly display the “Shield and Sword of the Party”.
3) A lot of the mindless in today’s society have become state
operatives. They use the Marxist tools of political ‘correctness’,
Race Acts and dubious laws to silence free speech and report
the ‘offender’ to a police ‘force’ that is now servile, gutless and
obsequiously obedient to their masters and the targets these
despots have set for their toy foot soldiers.
4) The division of society has been a prerequisite to the state
reigning totalitarian over us. “Strength in Unity” is an adage
that once summarised the both physical and moral strength of
the communities we lived in and once enjoyed the solidarity
of. The dismantling of this strength was a precursor to the
doubt, confusion and distrust of our kith and kin that was soon
to follow. Surrounded by all this disorder and mistrust of
fellow man, who do people turn to; who do they put their trust
in for the hope of being defended against the social anarchy
that has been created? The government - and don’t they just
arrogantly rejoice in the ironic action of the public seeking
support from the very same people who exacted the threat
over them. “Trust no one. Listen not to your hearts but to your
government.” - The Dear Leadership.
5) “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” and
these supposed freedom fighters of the Left are terrorists to
those right-minded citizens still in this country. By being such
slavish operatives of the state and its favouritism shown to the
communistic Nazis of the fascist Left, the police are aiding and
abetting the downfall not only of our people but of our country.
The Left, the mentally deranged opposition to democracy,
constantly riot at demonstrations (anti-globalisation march in
London) and are invariably violent at days of action held by
the Right -but they are seldom prosecuted.
6) We are now living in a very real police state. With the
advent of the disproportionate amount of C.C.T.V. cameras
prying upon our every action, we have become the most
watched nation in the world. Other infringements on our
ancient liberties and private freedoms that have been
proposed are I.D. cards and the reintroduction of house arrest
(internment). This is Indicative of central government trying to
monitor behaviour for the purpose of fulfilling their own their
own self-righteousness. If their personal views lead to actions
are in their minds ‘fair’, ‘socially just’ and for the ‘benefit of the
people’ then how can they be wrong? How can their repressive
stance on society plausibly be impeached?
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