Thursday, 8 July 2010

Conversation with TV licensing

Update from Sky news. Someone may have been there. Not long ago. We will never know.
This was the point I decided to call TV licensing and ask them why I was being charged over and over again for the same product,ie repeats.
"How do you watch TV"?.He interrupted me.
"On the telly". I said "But more lately on my computer".
"You don't need to buy a license if your watching non live TV on your computer".
I could not believe my ears. We do not need to buy a telly license if we watch on the computer and it's not live. Watching BBC news 24 I noticed the "Watch Live" was slightly behind my telly. I put this to the chap at licensing but he said he only had my word for that. I then asked if I only watched definite non live could I have a refund. "No".
So there you have it from TV licensing,via me of course that you DO NOT NEED a LICENSE to watch non live telly.


  1. They are scum but people are waking up, I think it has less than five years before it goes the way of the Dodo bird like the tv license in Australia when enough people told them to shove it.

    It could be destroyed quicker and i've had a few ideas on how to do it.

    All that needs to happen is a well placed facebook campaign and a few relevant and hip celebs on side to say it aint cool and then with Murdochs media riding in to the rescue with over the top coverage of the whole thing enough seeds will be planted for critical mass.

    Get the normal people to grease the wheels, get the hip celebs and then celebs with axes to grind against the bbc to jump on board and the whole thing will explode and more will come and create enough pressure hopefully.

  2. He'll probably get the sack for telling you that! Absolutely true though - a licence is only required to watch/record TV signals at the same time as they are broadcast via the airwaves to the wider world.
