From the amount of Facebook pages that went up. And the people who were on TV saying they understood Moat it would seem the potential for it is very real. Maybe this is something the police should bear in mind in the future.Today the police officer who was shot so cold bloodedly by Moat while he sat in his patrol car was on TV describing the events of the night. How he survived it is a miracle.The cops attitude seemed very sanguine, but I think in the days and weeks to come he will become very depressed. losing his eyesight will have terrible consequences in the weeks to come.
It is now obvious Moat had a grudge against the police, for whatever reasons right or wrong.And it's also clear that so do a lot of other people,ordinary citizens not gangsters like Moat.Some say Moat wasn't a thug and the media are blackening his name. A lot of the population think the mainstream media are the tools of the state. The government is not trusted. The bankers are thieves. So there are many reasons why the public and society are disintegrating. Moat as the anti hero was inevitable and he is not going to go away even though he is dead. Someone sometime will copy him. Maybe not in the same way but the result will be the same.This has always been the way in the past.Opinion is divided.And anyone saying Moat is a killer is classed as a spook working for the state.The government today called for the closing down of Facebook pages hero worshiping Moat. That would only prove beyond a doubt the state are the cops and make Moat more popular than ever,but then it will all go under ground.remember politicians never understand their electorate.
But one thing I would do if I was a cop is be more respectful to the public,regardless of who they are.You never know the next Raoul Moat could be a suicide bomber.
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